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Janelle Wilbon

group travel agent coach

Multipointed Star

Meet Your Group Travel Coach

My name is Janelle Wilbon and I have been a travel agent for almost 7 years and I have specialized in Group Travel from the very beginning. I have consistently booked large and small groups year after year. Now it is time for you to do the same and with a system in place to do so. So come long for the ride...

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Why do you need a coach?

There are several reasons why you might benefit from a travel agent business coach. First, a coach can help you develop and execute a successful business strategy. They can provide guidance on marketing, sales, and client relations, as well as help you stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. Additionally, a coach can provide accountability and support as you work towards your goals. They can help you set realistic targets and hold you accountable for achieving them. Finally, a coach can help you navigate the challenges and obstacles that come with running a travel agency, whether it's managing finances, dealing with difficult clients, or staying motivated in the face of setbacks. Overall, a travel agent business coach can be a valuable asset for anyone looking to grow and succeed in the travel industry.

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Services Offered


60min Session


Feeling like you are on the right path but need more guidance on a topic or two that will put you in the right position? If yes, then choose your topic and book your 1hr zoom call today!

Coaching. Business Background.

3 - 60min Sessions


If you feel like you need assistance with several aspects of the group travel business such as marketing, payment systems, pricing, planning, social media, etc. Then choose 3-4 topics and book 3 sessions.


6 - 60min Sessions


I need the hook-up on EVERYTHING dealing with group travel!

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What Clients Say

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Contact Me

Phone Number


Mailing Address

1 East Erie St, Suite525. Chicago, IL 60611

Email Address

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